Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Thoughts On The Casey Anthony Trial And Today's Verdict

At 2:15 this afternoon, and three years after the death of Caylee Anthony, a verdict was handed down in the trial of Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony.
We are all aware of the case and the various issues that come along with it- or at least most of us do, judging by the immediate reactions that took place on social media websites such as Twitter and Facebook.
In less than two days of deliberation, the twelve-person jury reached a verdict in the case, and surprised the world when they announced that Casey was not guilty of all charges except for lying to the police.
Most people, who after hearing the verdict, became extremely angry that justice was not served for the slain two-year-old and that the legal system of the United States is flawed. I couldn't DISAGREE more.
We Americans, who just celebrated the 235th birthday of our country- live in one that is free and unlike any other in the world. Along with those freedoms, is the right to a fair trial. Along with this, a suspect MUST be proven guilty beyond all reasonable doubt for a guilty verdict to be handed down from a jury of our own peers.
Judging by all the things that the public knows about Casey Anthony and the days before and after the death of her daughter, the signs definitely point that Casey is guilty. Everything adds up and prior to the trial, everyone thought that Casey Anthony's trial would be a slam dunk for the state of Florida and the prosecution team.
Such wasn't the case however, as the prosecution team was never able to provide concrete evidence that Casey murdered her daughter- even though everything basically added up.
The Casey Anthony trial is one one of the rare ones in which a loop-hole was exposed and the obviously-guilty suspect was able to walk and be spared of all charges. Most of the time, our country's judicial system is one that almost always gets it right- minus a few examples (OJ Simpson, Michael Jackson, etc.)
To get the down-right point of this blog, DO NOT be mad at the court system of our country! Casey Anthony and her big-wig lawyer, Jose Baez, are extremely lucky- and find a loop-hole in the system and used it to their advantage. Just like when panning for gold, there always are some pieces that slip through the screen while others don't. Casey was one of the "smaller" pieces.
Also, there is an uproar from people who are disgusted that Casey's lawyer, Jose Baez, spent Tuesday night at a restaurant across the street from the courthouse- drinking champagne and "celebrating".
The popular issue that I'm hearing from this is that Jose and his cronies are celebrating that they "won" and that an obviously-guilty Casey Anthony was spared of all major charges in the long trial that took place in Orlando.
We need to understand that after a trial that lasted over a month, that Baez may have wanted to simply celebrate that the trial was finally over, and that he will finally be able to see his family again.

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